Helooo...lama nda update..almaklumlaa sia busy body jakk..hehe..anyway, my post today will be about what I'd been doing for the past few weeks since the school holidays..Bgnila la ni..this is the 1st year I'd spend my long vacation without someone special..well,at least I'd made good used of my holidays...ada jua side income bila dpt claim nnti....
Sebenarnya I jadi pengawas peperiksaan STPM d Ken Hwa..everyday kna bangun awal...huh..cam teda cuti..anyway,it's my aunt..Ukuu Unai yg daftar my name and for the 1st time I jadi pgawas exam..sekolah menengah lae tu...at first lucu jua rasa coz I never felt like I'm dealing with students..more like my brothers and sisters..tp I kept my cool..strict at the same time friendly..
It was fun..nda jua terasa boring coz yg menjaga all my geng..Ukuu..Onie..our Ketua Pengawas lae rock...En. Haidin..d tingkat bawah mjaga SPM ada Jeal..Linus..so it juz felt like...syok laaa..hehe...
Banyak karenah I faced with this students..but overall they're alright..some of them can even be friends with the teachers...ada jua yg langsung tidak ikut exam..those students really don't think about their future..sia-sia ja skolah sampai tingkatan 6...
To my friends..partners in-crime..hahaha...Ukuu Unai, Onie, Din (The Supplier), Jeal, Linus and all the students of STPM SM KenHwa 2008..thanks for the great times and experience...haha..to my lovely and spoting gang..till next time, we'll meet again..makan and makan again..lepak n lepak again..."cari yang baru"..hahaha..
Enjoy my memories during my times here in SM Ken Hwa 2008...
Bilik 1..Commerce Class..Jajal2 murid2 tp OK
Bilik 2..Commerce Claz jua..kbanyakan students sni pendiam tp nakal
Ni gambar candid..dorang merdeka suda ni....
Ini gambar budak2 Science..yg friendly and smart
ni la pics ari terakhir STPM..3 0rg lain calon Physics..
ahaaa...ni la aktiviti wajib kami..asal rehat makan..asal pulang p mkn...laz day..kami pun celebrate ma...d KFC..hehe..
Sekian untuk hari ini..on Saturday 6th of Nov 2008..the whole family are going to Beaufort..My bro Calie bertunang..till then..wait for the next post...Happy Holiday...muaaahhhhsss
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